Associate artists
The circular memorandum from June 7, 2016, regarding residencies, established the mechanism of “associate artists”. The terms of reference for the CCN label and the National Choreographic Development Centre provide more information on their implementation. This mechanism addresses various needs: supporting independent companies and choreographers, mapping the choreographic sector through close collaboration between two artistic teams, decentralising cultural initiatives and providing local regions with continuous artistic creations.
Associate artists 2023-24

They were associate artists

ACCN and A-CDCN study on the “associate artists” mechanism in 2023
The ACCN, in collaboration with the Association des Centres de développement chorégraphique nationaux (A-CDCN, Association of National Choreographic Development Centres) and a working group of associate artists, analysed the “associate artists” mechanism. The ongoing work aims to update the scheme and guide organisations and associate artists in supporting the implementation of this collaborative approach.
- Circulaire du 8 juin 2016 relative au soutien d’artistes et d’équipes artistiques dans le cadre de résidences
- Étude de l’ACCN et de l’A-CDCN sur le dispositif “artiste·s associé·e·s” [à venir]